Al Staggs Productions

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(originally published in “In Mammon We Trust”)

By Al Staggs

Truth lies hidden

beneath mountains of words,

doctrines, beliefs and lifestyles

that obliquely prevent the practice

of compassion and justice

in this “land of opportunity.”

Our nation’s politicians and political policies

are bought and sold on the market.

Violence against the poor and middle class

is most insidious and cruel in the halls of Congress

where our elected officials prostitute themselves

to the highest bidders while the poor cannot find an advocate

who is rich enough to buy a voice in the nation’s capital.

Truth lies hidden beneath a façade of religiosity

in this very Christian land where churches worship

faithfully and impressively each weekend

while sponsoring a few mission projects

and giving alms to a few of the poor,

though not working to effect any change

in the political and economic structure that breeds our poor.

God is praised and the poor are forgotten.

Blasphemy is rampant in our congregations.

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!